Category: News
Want To Publish Your Book?
NEWLY RELEASED! I’ve just finished some final editing on my latest “How To…” book and it is now available on and all other book outlets.
I’ve tried to create a handbook that will lead the writer, step-by-step through the self-publishing world. Topics such as picking the right size for your book to advice on choosing a title. Manuscript formatting tips to recommending self-publishing programs. From royalties to creating a dynamic cover for your book. And much, much more.
This book is available at your favorite book store and on-line.
My weekly BLOG features INTERVIEWS with best-selling AUTHORS! October: Life Coach, shaman, author, Jennifer Monahan, November: Susanne O’Leary, December: Mimi Mathews, February: Jennie Gautet
To receive my weekly posts sign up for my
On the home page, enter your email address. Thanks!
Happy 9 year Anniversary, Writers’ World Blog!
May 7, 2012, I wrote my first posting for my new blog. I was very resistant, at first, stating that I wanted to do real writing, not waste my time on some silly little blog!
Now nine years later, I realize that I have had a lot to write about. Most of it relevant, I hope. Faithfully, I have posted weekly without fail. The jewel in my blogging crown is definitely my monthly interviews with other authors, some pretty famous best selling authors!
I used to have to ‘chase’ books to review. But I kept at it and now in the last few years ARCs (advance readers’ copy) arrive in the mail with a request that I review the new book. I can barely keep up with the demand but I try to read and review every book I receive.
I would not have believed back in 2012 that I would have enough to say to fill nine years, every week. I’m not being immodest when I say that it has taken some creative thinking on my part to create different venues like author interviews. I’m careful to find (at least) something good about any book that I review. My blog has remained positive and, I hope, a safe place for ALL writers.
And to my supporters, (dare I say) fans, and subscribers, a GREAT BIG THANK YOU!
My weekly BLOG features INTERVIEWS with best-selling AUTHORS! December: Lauren Willig, January: Madeline Hunter, February: Mike Lupica, March: Lee Matthew Goldberg, May: Jenny Colgan, June: Don Bentley writing for Tom Clancy
To receive my weekly posts sign up for my
On the home page, enter your email address. Thanks!
Jackpot!! My Children’s Play Produced in Ontario, Canada
Euphoria!! My full length children’s play, The Exciting Exploits of an Effervescent Elf is being produced in Ontario, Canada!
In this stand alone sequel to “Emma and the Lost Unicorn”, Emma is held captive in Patsy, the Banana Spider’s web. No one can see her except the irrepressible elf, Cheets. Everyone in the forest has been searching for Emma to no avail and given his reputation, no one believes Cheets when he claims to have found her. Cheets can see Emma but not hear her through Patsy’s web. Emma must “act out” vital news concerning the enchanted forest. Hazard, the Lord of the Underworld is selling the forest to developers. Emma must not stand in his way! This fable tells of greed, ecology, friendship, enduring love and justice.
Most of the characters from “Emma and the Lost Unicorn” [Published by Samuel French] return to this new fable. New characters include: Thomas, the sea turtle, pedantic but loveable. Laughter erupts when the audience realizes that he speaks only in nautical expressions and sayings. Patsy, the spider represents greed. Rose, Emma’s mother emphasizes maternal devotion and the ability to believe when the magical creatures of the forest reveal themselves to her. Hazard, Lord of the Underworld reunites with a lost love. Roles for every child who auditions!
Returning characters:
Emma, the earthling girl
Cheets, the elf
Stare, the rhetorical owl
Donald, Emma’s faerie best friend
Cleo, Queen of the Faeries
Handmaidens of the Queen
Assorted faeries and woodland creatures
New characters: Patsy, the spider
Hazard, Lord of the underworld
Thomas, the sea faring turtle
Rose, Emma’s mother
MY BLOG features INTERVIEWS with best-selling AUTHORS! December: Jayne Ann Krentz (Amanda Quick) January: Molly Gloss. February: Rick Lenz, March: Patrick Canning and April: Poet, Joe Albanese
To receive my posts sign up for my On the home page, enter your email address. Thanks!
Happy Father’s Day…..
Dear Dads and Grandads,
As you sit with your children or grandchildren today, eating Bar-B-Q or enjoying a picnic or having a traditional Sunday dinner with all the fixin’s….

Look across the table at the little ones….now picture them torn away from your family/parents and segregated (by gender) and placed in concentration camps. YOU don’t know where they are, you may not able to find them…ever. Picture your six year-old daughter or granddaughter in a cage, alone, with 100 other little girls. Hard to imagine, huh?
Put ethnicity, skin color, legality aside for a moment. LOOK at your kids and picture them in concentration camps, locked up, defenseless…..alone.
How does that feel? What would your precious children be thinking? Feeling? What level is their terror?
One news report stated that in order to get the children away from their parents, ICE told them the kids were being taken for ‘showers’. That sent a chill up my back….at the German Camps the human line that was to be exterminated were told that was the line to go to the showers. But instead of water coming out of the nozzles, deadly gas was released.

Read your history….this is how it all started in 1938 in Nazi Germany.
‘Once in power, Hitler moved quickly to end German democracy. (Sound familiar??) He convinced his cabinet to invoke emergency clauses of the constitution that permitted the suspension of individual freedoms of press, speech, and assembly. Special security forces — the Gestapo, the Storm Troopers (SA), and the SS — murdered or arrested leaders of opposition political parties (Communists, socialists, and liberals).’
Who’s next? Your Jewish children? Your Asian children? Your Muslim children? Your Catholic kids?
My purpose, with this post, is to make the food STICK in YOUR THROAT!
Is this our America? A country built on the backs of Irish, Chinese, Japanese, Native Americans, Africans, Germans, Jews….all immigrants. With the exception of the Native Americans, there isn’t a person who lives in this country today who cannot trace their lineage back to ‘the old country’. We are all immigrants! Even our Beloved Leader, Herr Trump.
(I thought to myself: Gee, maybe I should apologize to my followers for digressing so far off my mission…to write about writing. But, no, I can’t. The idea of little precious children being placed in camps with an excellent possibility of never seeing their parents or siblings again STICKS in MY THROAT.)
The Medicine Bag – Featured Poem
Dear Trisha, Congratulations, this is just a quick notice to let you know that your poem
The Medicine Bag is one of the poems being featured on the PoetrySoup home page this week. Thanks again and congratulations. Sincerely, PoetrySoup The Medicine Bag ©March the centuries on, the talisman wraps and clings to the collar bone. The medicine bag cups holy bones that speak of the future, flint and stone to make magic fire strong medicine in the feather of the eagle a tooth of the wolf when the spirit guide is he Should the moon's cycle be the guide. an agate stone Antler bone, its spirit sacrificed, meat and juices hiss into the fire on a wintry night Amulets forever worn 'round the neck touched by hands to reassure Fear, pain and loss subside Joy celebrated stroked in thanksgiving, always there, a comfort To lose it was to lose one's self The medicine bag still adorns the educated, the modern the agnostic Turquoise of a native people rosary beads for a strict and vengeful God a locket filled with a beloved's hair hippy beads from the time of peace signs and Haight-Ashbury a gold chain dangling stones ripped from the earth David's star shining over centuries of darkness A shark's tooth from the icy, indifferent depths silver charms jingle and talk of life's landmarks the gold cross celebrating a vicious torture worry beads from a mysterious and ancient cult a modest grain of sand coated with oyster spit the ashes of one that can.t be let go, lest it diminish the life that remains Medicine bags…all
DON’T MISS UPCOMING BLOGS featuring INTERVIEWS with best-selling AUTHORS! Grant Blackwood (Tom Clancy) in Sept. and Julia London in October.
Don’t Miss it! A bonus Interview with iconic comic book writer, Chuck Dixon, in September.
To receive a free audio book and my sign up on the home page and enter your email address. I love comments! Take the time to write one at the bottom of the post.
Feature article on is posting my few words of wisdom on March 27th and has asked me to become one of their writers.
I am very honored to contribute to their empowering, uplifting and loving web site with over 10,000,000 subscribers. If you missed it last time, stop by and read what I have to say about life, love and surviving!
(excerpt) ‘Growing up in traditionalism as I did, I found my freedom and my voice later in life. I discovered that I could be so much more than a wife or mother. I COULD BE ANYTHING I WANTED TO BE. An old refrain certainly; it’s old because it’s TRUE! Don’t do it SOMEDAY! DO IT TODAY!
I started out standing in the second-hand light of a man. [traditional, remember?] I finally figured out that I couldn’t change, fix, repair or control another human being, as hard as I might try. I learned that the only person I could fix or change was me! And I am grateful every day for that lesson’…….. click on the link above.
Start your month off right!! DON’T MISS UPCOMING BLOGS. INTERVIEWS with other best-selling AUTHORS! A NEW SERIES, “The Writer’s Corner”
I have had a wonderful response from other authors and plan on featuring an interview once a month . I have invited such luminaries as: Ann Purser, Susan Elia MacNeal, Mark Childress, Rhys Bowen, Dean Koontz, Sheryl Woods, Jo-Ann Mapson, Jeffrey Deaver, Elizabeth Gilbert, Amber Winckler, Robert McCammon, Walter Mosley, Nora Roberts, and many others.
So come along with me; we shall sneak into these writers’ special places, be a fly on the wall and watch them create! Mark Childress is our April author. Robert McCammon is scheduled for May. Caroline Leavitt is June‘s author. July features Rhys Bowen. Sue Grafton is August’s author and September will feature Tasha Alexander.
To receive my posts sign up for my Go to the home page; On the right side you’ll see a box where you can enter your email address. Click on “join my blog”. You need to confirm in an email from ‘Writer at Play’ . Thanks!
Don’t miss an Interview with Jo-Ann Mapson Tuesday
Next Tuesday the second in my series of Interviews will be with Jo-Ann Mapson. I thought my readers might enjoy hearing about other authors’ writing processes. So I created a Question & Answer-type Interview and then began contacting some of my favorite authors to ask them to take part.
In this three-part blog, we will chat with best-selling author, Jo-Ann Mapson. She is one of my favorites and I always wait with bated breath until her next book comes out. Her characters, (men, women, dogs, horses), are vivid and believable and they often return in one of her new books.
I hope that you enjoy her insights, humor and really great stories….
In the coming months: Authors, Susan Elia MacNeal, Rhys Bowen, Walter Mosley, Tasha Alexander, and many more will share their writing life with us!
What was that old song from the ’50’s?
Remember that song from the ’50’s? It was in the Broadway musical, Happy Hunting. “We Belong to a Mut-u-al Ad-mir-a-tion Society”. Best known rendition by Judy Garland. That’s how I feel about Adato Systems and more specifically, Leon Adato.
Last year I took a long hard look at my web site and realized that it was static, lifeless and way behind the times. Absolutely NO one visited it! And I had loved it for so long! So began my journey looking for a web consultant that could bring me into real time with shopping cart, shipping, animation, and far better communication with my readers!
I began by asking an old friend in the computer software industry for a referral….and found Leon. What a treasure! He’s clever, funny and patient! As an added bonus he has a degree in theatre from NYU, so he really gets me. Now that my site is completely finished, I am able to come on-line and ‘play in my cyber sand box‘! And BLOG! Which I have grown passionate about.
The new software is friendly and easy to learn. Did I mention what a good teacher Leon is? I think it really shows off my books and scripts with beautiful illustrations (a nod to my wonderful team of illustrators) and is easy to navigate. I hope my readers and theatre family enjoy it as much as I do!
And now I am a success story on Leon’s site. “………she showcases the work of others. Leveraging her own experience and insight, Trisha is creating reviews of and interviews with other authors, which creates a wonderful sense of community……..”
Click here to read it.
Start your month off right!! DON’T MISS UPCOMING BLOGS. A NEW SERIES, “The Writer’s Corner” INTERVIEWS with other best-selling AUTHORS!
I have had a wonderful response from other authors and plan on featuring an interview once a month . I have invited such luminaries as: Anne Purser, Dean Koontz, Sheryl Woods, Jo-Ann Mapson, Tasha Alexander, Jeffrey Deaver, Elizabeth Gilbert, Walter Mosley, Nora Roberts, Lisa Scottoline and many others.
So come along with me; we shall sneak into these writers’ special places, be a fly on the wall and watch them create!
To receive my posts sign up for my Go to the home page; On the right side you’ll see a box where you can enter your email address. Click on “join my blog“. You need to confirm in an email from ‘Writer at Play’ . Thanks!
I hope you will come out today for my
Shaver Book Sellers, on Madison Square in Savannah to hold a book signing.
This event will begin at
2PM today, November 17th.
Shaver’s carries all of my children’s books, my poetry and novel, “Women Outside the Walls”. Also available, today only, will be most of my play scripts.
Come by and say “hello” and enjoy this historic, iconic book store that is locally owned and operated.