My Opinion: Trump Dances Through Questions at Town Hall

This is one way to dodge questions that Trump can’t answer. He doesn’t have the mental acuity to intelligently answer random questions he has not rehearsed.  His choice of the song, ‘Ava Maria’ suggests Trump has a Jesus complex.  

It might have been a fun music fest if ONLY the MAN COULD  DANCE!


Later, he was quoted saying, all in one breath, “Lincoln (the President) could have negotiated with the South and avoided the Civil War…Ca-mal-la Harris will ban your cows…Harvey Weinstein got schlonged hard…he got schlonged so bad…” (schlong: noun, Hebrew, vulgar, slang for penis.) 

Never used as a verb, did Trump mean Weinstein, the most flagrant sexual predator of our time, got f**ked? Dicked over by the court system?  And Trump is expressing empathy for him?!

This thin-skinned man-baby, authoritarian bully went on to say, “Jan. 6 was a day of love”,WE didn’t have guns, they.. the others had guns” “Nobody got killed”


See the AR-15 in the center of pic?

FACT CHECK:  Trump’s supporters on Jan. 6
 HAD GUNS. Police radio recordings reports that at least two AR-15 rifles were spotted in the crowd of supporters  hanging from trees and later marching to the capital. “Glocks in the waistbands of two men in the trees” at the rally.
“The others…” who had guns were law enforcement. 

FACT CHECK: (Trump) “Nobody got killed.” One rioter, Ashli Babbitt, was killed when she tried to breach the barricaded doors to the Chamber of the House.  One police officer (Brian Sicknick) died of his injuries by rioters.  Four other police officers committed suicide in the days and months after the riot. At least SIX deaths occurred as a direct result of the insurrection.  
Love and hope, 
            Childless Cat Lady

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My Opinion ~~ A Traitor in Sheep’s Clothing

Silence is Complicity!  I am not complicit! My silence has Ended!   I cannot be silent any longer! 

What’s with Trump’s constant ‘bad-mouthing’ our country?  The latest reports of Trump’s traitorous behavior:

During the height of the Pandemic, when hundreds were dying here in our country when no test kits and no ventilators and no cure were the norm for the day, Trump was SECRETLY sending test kits to HIS BUDDIE, PUTIN! 

    The other day Trump was giving a speech to the DETROIT Economy Club when he said, “Well, we’re a developing nation too, just take a look at Detroit. Detroit’s a developing area more than most places in China. Our whole country will end up being like Detroit if she’s your president. You’re going to have a mess on your hands.”  THIS WHILE HE WAS IN DETROIT, SPEAKING TO A LOCAL ORGANIZATION!   When was the last time you heard Trump praise this country? 

Is this the person you want LEADING you and our country?  If yes, I challenge you to watch several different news outlets. Get some true perspective. If you say to me, “I don’t watch the news” then you have no business voting at all because you are UNINFORMED!! 
If your answer is ‘no, you don’t’ then I challenge you to get out there and DO SOMETHING! It doesn’t have to be BIG, do something small, like taking someone with you when you vote or help someone apply for an absentee ballot.  
If your answer is “I don’t know enough about it. I’m not interested in politics”.  Well, You better be!  You’re about to lose some if not all of your freedoms. Trump has promised us that he will be a dictator on day 1.  

Okay, you’re not interest in politics, you’re uninformed, and you’re not going to vote.  BUT, ARE YOU A PATRIOT? DO YOU LOVE YOUR COUNTRY? DO YOU HAVE A RELATIVE WHO DIED FOR THIS COUINTRY? 

Then you must get informed and then vote. Be a patriot with millions of other Americans and save our FREEDOM!

Love and hope, 
            Childless Cat Lady

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Dear Trisha,

Congratulations, this is just a quick notice to let you know that your poem The Blues is one of the poems being featured on the PoetrySoup home page this week. Poems are rotated each day in groups of 14-16 to give each poem an equal opportunity to be displayed.

Thanks again and congratulations.


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My Opinion ~~ There’s One in Every Family

Yes, I have at least one family member (who will remain unnamed) who is a ‘Forever Trumper’.  I know this, but I never give up. Periodically asking her if she’s seen the news lately, and what she thought after the latest gaff out of Trump’s mouth. 
So here’s how it went the other day:

I asked my relative if she had seen the news in the last few days. She is a very independent woman and I was curious to see what she thought about her candidate, after Trump’s position on banning abortion and his comments that day on (His words) “Women will no longer be lonely, afraid and sad. You will be happy. You will be protected. I will be your Protector.” 
Personally, my stomach flipped;  at Trump’s words. I was physically sickened for a second.  
So, I opened the conversation with my relative like this, “Did you watch the news?”
She replied: “No I don’t watch the news, I don’t have time.” 
I next asked, “Are you still voting for Trump?”
My sweet, agreeable relative went from 0 to 60 in a nanosecond.  She replied, raising her voice:  ABSOLUTELY!  I would NEVER vote for that BITCH! She’s a COMMIE! She doesn’t know anything!”
The conversation that I’d hope to have (I never got a word in) devolved into her snapping and snarling at me.  I was talking to a cult-member.  She’d already drunk the Kool aide. It was too late.   

“Hang Mike Pence.” “SO WHAT?”

I quickly and politely said I had to go, said goodbye and hung up. 
My Silence has Ended!   I cannot be silent any longer! 
Silence is Complicity!  I am not complicit! 

Love and hope, 
            Childless Cat Lady

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My Opinion ~~ Serial Numbers…what??

Trump said that it will be easy to round up foreign criminals and illegal immigrants, in America, because the local police know of them and know ‘their serial numbers.’”

What is he talking about ??   

Has Trump been reading Mein Kompf again?  The last time anyone put ‘serial number’ and ‘human being’ in the same sentence was Hitler and the Jews and we all know how that turned out.  

I’ve seen a handful of reports suggesting that Trump opened the door to assigning serial numbers to immigrants, but as I’ve watched the full context of his speech, that’s not quite right. Trump suggested that immigrants already have serial numbers.

What’s more, Trump is under the impression that law enforcement officials at the local level have access to some kind of lists that include both the immigrants’ names and “their serial numbers.”

It’s not a big jump from immigrants ‘being assigned numbers’ to tattooing
their numbers on their arms before they join “the mass deportation” that Trump promises and put them on buses, trains, planes, and trains to where…?  Interment camps?  Who knows?

My Silence has Ended!   I cannot be silent any longer! 
(or at least not for the next 42 days)

Silence is Complicity!  I am not complicit! 

Love and hope, 
            Childless Cat Lady
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My Opinion

My Silence has Ended!   I cannot be silent any longer! 
(or at least not for the next 37 days)

To all you ‘undecided’ VOTERS out there.  Don’t look at Donald as a prospective candidate as President.  You’d be wiser to consider if you want
James David Vance as YOUR PRESIDENT.  Donald is the
oldest candidate we have ever
had for this most powerful position; he’s 78 years old and has demonstrated that he is diminishing daily. The proof is there whenever he opens his mouth and parrots something someone has told him.  

Donald is not healthy.  He eats a diet of cheeseburgers and SIX Diet Coke a day, at least.  He’s obese (morbidly overweight) and won’t/can’t walk the golf course for a little exercise. He drives a golf cart. 

And if he dies, (he’ll be 80 in two years)
JD Vance is Your President!    Think about that!! 
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My Opinion ~~ Vance, VIP Hypocrite!

My Silence has Ended!   I cannot be silent any longer! 
(or at least not for the next 44 days)

Silence is Complicity!  I am not complicit! 

Fact check #3:  ‘ Sane washing’:

Sane-washing” is a term used to describe the act of presenting someone’s radical or incoherent statements in a way that makes them seem more reasonable or normal than they actually are. This is often done by media outlets or individuals who downplay the extremity or irrationality of the statements to make them more palatable to the general public.

For example, this term has been used in the context of political figures, where their more outrageous or confusing remarks are reported in a way that makes them appear more coherent and sensible.

During the Presidential debates Donald J. Trump claimed, that “babies were being ABORTED after 9 months and natural birth.”  He claimed that un-named (and unsubstantiated) doctors were quoted as saying, as they set aside the new born baby, that  they would “decide what to do with the baby later.” 


Some media outlets try to ‘sane-wash’ the babbling rambling of a diminished, old, man to try and make sense of his words.  Newsflash!

Fact check #4:  Does Donald even know James David Vance, met his wife, or met his mixed-race children??  James David Vance is married to a brown woman (India).  Usha Vance, née Chilukuri, is the daughter of  immigrant  parents.  Is Donald going to deport Vance’s in-laws and his children if elected President?  

Poor Donald!  In spite of all of his efforts, he just can’t seem to get AWAY from all these BLACK and BROWN WOMEN

Love and hope,cat lovers, cats, Charles Bukowski

                            Childless Cat Lady
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My Opinion ~~ Donald Trump and the Jews

The other night Trump was speaking at a Combat Anti-Semitism Event in Washington, DC, 


where he told his audience of Jewish folks that if he lost the election it would “be their fault” and that the Jewish people “had never treated him fairly”.  (He  just can’t help himself.)

Donald J. Trump has disparaged the Jewish community on so many levels over the years:

In December 2015, Trump gave a speech before the Republican Jewish Coalition, saying, “I’m a negotiator like you folks, we are negotiators … Is there anybody that doesn’t renegotiate deals in this room? This room negotiates them — perhaps more than any other room I’ve ever spoken in.”

Trump has focused particular ire on George Soros (Hungarian-American businessman, investor, and philanthropist. As of October 2023, he had a net worth of $6.7 billion, having donated more than $32 billion to the Open Society Foundations) . He baselessly accused him of funding protesters of  Supreme Court nominee Brett Kavanaugh, and suggested Soros could be funding the refugee caravan — lending credence to the conspiracy theory that world Jewry is conspiring to bring immigrants into the United States to replace white people (thus the “Jews will not replace us” chant in Charlottesville).

It bears repeating that this kind of thing is very close to what you find in Mein Kompf, by Adolf Hitler.  

He was heard to say:  “I’ve got black accountants at Trump Castle and Trump Plaza. Black guys counting my money! I hate it. The only kind of people I want counting my money are short guys that wear yarmulkes every day.”

Trump has repeatedly suggested that “Jews who vote for Democrats are disloyal to Israel and their faith.”

In 2019, he said, “I think any Jewish people that vote for a Democrat, I think it shows either a total lack of knowledge or great disloyalty”

Trump has also targeted prominent Jewish political figures. For example, he called Pennsylvania Governor Josh Shapiro a “highly overrated Jewish Governor.”

Donald Trump hosted Timothy Hale-Cusanelli,  at his golf club in Bedminster, N.J.  Hale-Cusanelli is a white supremacist and Nazi sympathizer, who was heard to tell his coworkers (at a naval weapons station) that “Hitler should have finished the job” and “babies born with any deformities or disabilities should be shot in the forehead.” 

Fact check #5:  Does Donald know Laura Loomer, unashamed racist, xenophobe (fear and dislike of anyone from a different country/culture) and all around Looney Tune, his VERY ‘close’ friend and confidant, is a Jewish woman? Laura Loomer is of Jewish descent. She was raised in Arizona and identifies as ethnically, culturally, and politically Jewish. She is quoted as saying: “Roger Stone is one of my personal heroes.”

Love and hope,

                            Childless Cat Lady

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My Opinion ~~ The King is Insane!

  My Silence has Ended!   I cannot be silent any longer! 
(or at least not for the next 52 days)

Silence is Complicity!  I am not complicit! 

Fact check #1:   During recorded history, many world leaders, including many reigning kings and queens were INSANE while on the throne or in the seat of power.  Some notable examples include Caligula of Rome, Henry VI of England, Joanna of Castile, Nebuchadnezzar II of Babylon, Erik XIV of Sweden, Ludwig II of Bavaria, Queen Maria of Portugal, and most famously, George III of England.

Eighteen (49%) US Presidents met the criteria for some form of psychiatric disorder.  Shocking! Not one was removed from office. 

Historically, corrupt enablers and sycophants covered for the leader, ran the countries and propped up the diminished heads of state in public when and where it was needed.  The INSANE or diminished leader could be suffering from early dementia, or insane from the late stages of syphilis (King Henry VI of England, King Charles VIII of France, & Ivan, the Terrible of Russia)  or from the in-breeding of the royals across Europe.  
The royal courts (Mar-a-Lago) were stuffed with panderers; petting,

 praising and stroking the ego of the ranting King or President. 

Does all this SOUND FAMILIAR?

Fact check #2:  How can the EX-President hound, badger, threaten, stalk, and deport immigrants, with a straight face? HE is MARRIED to an IMMIGRANT? HIS parents-in-law are IMMIGRANTS. HIS SON is the SON of an IMMIGRANT!    Hypocrite!!

I guess “white” immigrants are immune from his racist and ignorant opinions. Immune from his  persecution of black and brown IMMIGRANTS.  He’s wished out loud that the US would receive immigrants from Norway. 
So it’s not about “illegal immigrants” but rather, it’s that they are brown or black or yellow.

Poor Donald!  In spite of all of his efforts, he just can’t seem to get AWAY from all these BLACK and BROWN WOMEN

Love and hope,New Year, cats,happy wishes
                            Childless Cat Lady
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Review ~~ The Forgiving Kind by Donna Everhart

            5 out of 5 stars   ~~   Book Review

From the first page, the reader is captivated by the sultry afternoon in the deep South, the cotton fields, the red earth, and the narrative from one small girl.  
Be prepared to be unable to put this magnificent story down.  Sonny Creech and her family draw you in; sweating as they hoe the fields, worrying about where the next dollar is coming from, putting up with two crass brothers’ antics, and a sudden tragedy that rocks their family.  

The characters are so beautifully drawn by this author; the reader feels they have known them their whole lives.  Mr. Fowler was a superb villain.  I loved to hate him and I was rooting for his downfall, which by the way, wasn’t assured at all.  

I highly recommend this book to my readers. 

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