Death in a Dacron Sail by N.A. Granger…A Review

reviews, authors, writingreviews, authors, writingreviews, authors, writingreviews, authors, writingreviews, authors, writing  Five out of 5 quills (ranking)  A Review ** ‘Death in a Dacron Sail’Noelle.Scan

It was a real pleasure to discover a new author….well, actually she found me..and we’ve become friends.  But our friendship doesn’t stand in the way of an honest review and telling my readers how much I enjoyed this story.  N.A. Granger is a crisp and clean writer.  In her second book she takes her readers to the coast of Maine where little girls are turning up missing and then found dead; the latest wrapped in a Dacron sail and washed ashore.

My dear readers know that I differ from other reviewers…. Continue reading “Death in a Dacron Sail by N.A. Granger…A Review”