What’s the secret? Why does one protagonist immediately engage the reader when another is slow to achieve this or never does? I recently read two novels, back to back, (it sounds like I read sporadically; not true, I have a book in my hand 24/7).
Anyway, back to my point…..one book (Growing Season by Melinda Foster) had a single woman, late 30’s, who’s life falls apart. Long time relationship ends suddenly, and she is found to be redundant at her job of 14 years with the same company. (Most of us can relate to some or all of this.) She is called away to her home town to help family with the business and a small farm. She was immediately empathetic due to the excellent writing and character development.
The other book, House on the Harbor by Elizabeth Bromke was not engaging. The four sisters, Kate, Amelia, Megan, and Clara came across as mealy-mouthed and victims. Yep, all four of them. Maybe if the development of the characters had been stronger. Maybe if the author had the reader spend more time with each sister. And the house on the harbor was a non-entity. The house should have been the fifth character. At first glance, they have each inherited 1/4 of the house. At first glance….
But this reader didn’t care about any of these women. I kept speaking to them: “put your big girl panties on and move forward!” I did finish the book but felt relieved when I had, not satisfied.
What’s the secret? Good writing, finely drawn characters, people the reader can relate to.
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