As an actor back in the 80’s I was cast as one of the Bleacher Bums in a stage play. My late husband played Ziggy. I have never been a baseball enthusiast but I was a method actor and fortunately for the cast, so was our Director. So we ate, drank, slept, and lived baseball during the 8 weeks of rehearsal. We went to several baseball games (Portland Beavers) and sat, (in character) in the bleachers across from home plate, heckling the opposing team in character, when they took the field.
This week, I couldn’t help but root for the Chicago Cubbies and the real club: The Bleacher Bums. Somehow the Cubs winning the World Series was a validation of that small cast, 30 years ago, playing rabid fans, in spite of never winning.
In the bleachers at Chicago’s Wrigley Field, die hard Cub fans root for their team. The group includes a rabid cheerleader, a blind man who follows the game by transistor radio and does his own play by play, a bathing beauty, a nerd and various other bleacher denizens. As the game proceeds, they bet among themselves on every conceivable event, go out for frosty malts or beers, try to pick up the bathing beauty and, occasionally, watch the game. The Cubs inevitably blow it in the ninth and the villainous Marvin, who always bets against the Cubs figuring he can’t lose, cleans up. The bleacher bums remain undaunted they will be back tomorrow to root for the home team.
Congratulations to the city of Chicago, the Cubs and especially to the fans who never gave up hope!!
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