I’ll end the year with a little poetry about the love from dogs and affection from cats. Don’t groan….ewww, poetry...I think you’ll find the poetry funny if you have either cats or dogs. I’m blessed with both. Rescued of course.

Cat Love
Don’t ruffle my fur that direction! You’re doing it all wrong! I’ve got it looking just the way I want.
I love you but I’m very busy today.
Don’t move, this is my lap time and I’m very comfy.
Scratch right there, no a little more to the left, a little higher, to the right.

Look what I’ve brought you–isn’t it beautiful? I killed it in the garden.
That’s what we’re having for dinner?
You need to work on how you pick your friends. I don’t like that one and besides he had the nerve to sit in my chair!
I could find a better human, you know, if I put in some effort…
But I guess you’ll do…for now.
Dog Love

Pet me, pet me, pet me! Oh boy! A butt rub!
I love you to the ends of the earth and beyond!
I’ll just lay here quietly, I won’t bother you, as long as I can touch you.

Throw the ball! Throw the ball!
Again! Again!
I love my dinner, you’re such a good mommy!
‘Walkie’, ‘go outside’, ‘go for a walk’, ‘let’s go pee-pee’. Yippee! Where’s my leash?

I love your friends. That one scratched my ears and told me I was a good dog.
You’re home! You’re home! Why were you gone so long….it doesn’t matter now…You’re home!
You’re the best human ever….I love you!