I think one of your tools, as a writer, should be a special work space. Do you have an extra room? Even, if its all you have, a large closet will serve. Somewhere you can call you own, a space that will, I promise you, become a creative oasis. Where no one enters except by invitation.
And it can change from day to day. I have interviewed many authors and they write on the beach, a coffee shop, on the train, in a lonely cabin in the mountains.

I’ve always had the luxury of a spare bedroom to call my studio. On my walls I am surrounded by my own water color work, framed letters from my publisher, photos of theatre productions. In one corner is my desk and a comfortable chair. My desktop computer has the place of honor as I do all my writing there. I simply can’t write long hand as I cannot write fast enough when the spirit is on me! I type seventy five words a minute and sometimes that’s too slow.
In the corner by a window sits my drafting/art table. Most mornings, Fiona, my assistant, snoozes or stalks birds from her comfy cushion.

A framed piece hangs nearby that I read at least once a week. It says: ‘the most creative force on earth is the post-menopausal woman with zest!‘
In my early days of writing, when my ego was more fragile there was a sign on the closed door of my studio that stated, “writer at play”. The name of my web site was born with that little scrap of paper.

Let it flow……….don’t give yourself messages like, ‘I must write two hours a day’….’I don’t have time to write today’… what if you have nothing to say on any given day and you’d rather be writing a blog, or painting, or scrap booking, or singing or cooking? Relax and But find a space; a room, a closet, a shed, the attic, the barn…. that’s just for you and your creative spirit!
DON’T MISS UPCOMING BLOGS featuring INTERVIEWS with best-selling AUTHORS! Julia London and M.J. Moores. Coming in December! My review of a new release by Dean Koontz, Ashley Bell.
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