So… I pride myself in knowing a little about police procedure (not through personal experience, thank goodness!), forensics, and crime scenes. And that’s what led me to write “The Art of Murder” the play, and now the novella. And to create a murder mystery series called, ‘The World of Murder‘. With the Internet most answers are a couple of clicks away. But as my stories are getting more involved (I am writing Book 2, “The Dance of Murder”) I was quick to realize that I didn’t have all the answers! LOL
So here’s what I’d like to share with you about doing research. My first story takes place in Manhattan, NYPD, fifth precinct. My second book is about a serial killer whose crimes jump from precinct to precinct. Oh no! Would my two murder cops be assigned to a crime out of another precinct? So I had to try to find someone who could answer these types of questions. I needed a mentor, of sorts, if I was to continue this series with any accuracy.
Since I had chosen the 5th Precinct to begin my story, I decided to call them and see if someone could help me. The front desk officer on duty was so nice and helpful. He explained that no one there would be allowed to answer my questions and that I would have better luck with a department called the DCPI (Deputy Commissioner for Public Information, I found out later). I called them. And again was met with courtesy and suggestions. This IS New York City, after all. Where’s all the rudeness we hear so much about!!??
This officer said that they only dealt with media. Sigh! But, I need someone who will field my questions! He went on to suggest that I try to find a ‘retired’ NYPD detective that would have the knowledge and time to help me. Or, he said, “try private investigators; they are usually retired cops.” Then I hit PAY DIRT!
I Googled ‘private investigators, NYC’ and the first on the list was Vincent Parso, PI. I called Vincent and (yes, you guessed it) after a thirty minutes conversation, he told me he would love to work with me and since he was an ‘ex’ state crime investigator, a forensics expert, a crime scene expert, (the list goes on and on) I had just found my mentor.

Vincent could be a character in one of my books. (Who knows, maybe he will be.) Physically, he’s a cross between Telly Savalas and Tony Soprano. And has thirty five years of experience in law enforcement! A writer’s dream!
Coming Soon! In AUDIO Books!
DON’T MISS UPCOMING BLOGS featuring INTERVIEWS with best-selling AUTHORS! “The Writer’s Corner”
In addition to my twice weekly blog I will also feature an interview with another author once a month. These authors have already responded and you can read their interviews by clicking on their name: Ann Purser, Susan Elia MacNeal, Karen Robards, Mark Childress, Rhys Bowen, Dean Koontz, Tasha Alexander, Patrick Taylor, Sheryl Woods, Jo-Ann Mapson, Jeffrey Deaver, Cathy Lamb, Elizabeth Gilbert, Amber Winckler, Raymond Benson, Andrew Grant, Heidi Jon Schmidt, Robert McCammon, Sue Grafton, Walter Mosley, and many others.
So come along with me; we shall sneak into these writers’ special places, be a fly on the wall and watch them create! Patrick Taylor joined us in November. Heidi Jon Schmidt will be under your Christmas tree. Raymond Benson will be my January author. Slick mystery writer, Andrew Grant will join us this winter. Loretta Chase will be featured later this year. Raymond Benson is my January author.
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