That’s a Wrap! The Final Exit…Robin Williams

RobinWhat’s with you middle-aged men who give up?  Just when the door of freedom is opening.  Free to do what you want and ignore the rest, freedom from putting up with a–holes, freedom to NOT set the alarm clock.  Freedom to start on your bucket list.

You might say, ‘Trish, you’re being a little harsh.  You don’t know what he was going through.”  YEAH, I DO and I’m harsh because it’s such a damn waste of life and living.  And because my middle-aged man took his own life so I’m an expert on the devastation, guilt and  grief that suicide leaves behind!  I am more than a little pissed off at Robin for leaving us…his fans.  And I know exactly what his wife and family are going through.  The worst being that there are so many unanswered questions.  I was one of the lucky ones who got answers.  Did they make me feel any better,  NO.robin.2

My sick sense of humor wonders if, as Robin climbed up on the chair (or whatever), set the noose around his neck, and stared at the middle space in front of him;  did he see the irony, the pathos in his action.  Were the last words he spoke something about what he was about to do.  I like to think robin3so…he had something wild and funny to say about everything else…why break character?

Robin Williams leaves a huge hole in this sometimes mundane, sometimes violent world.  His legacy of off-the-cuff quips and the brilliant mind that drove him, are no more and we are the lesser for it!   doubtfireGood bye, Mrs. Doubtfire!

(More eulogies)

One thought on “That’s a Wrap! The Final Exit…Robin Williams”

  1. I think his depression was something he used humor to hide, but there just came a point where he couldn’t do it anymore (‘I’m dancing as fast as I can..”). I think all great comics have a deep and abiding sadness within them. I absolutely adored the man – there’s a hole in my heart. What a comic genius!

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